My Daydreaming at 16s
(The Imaginary World of A Teenager)

Hey there, fellow readers! Let's take a trip down memory lane and revisit the rollercoaster ride that was our teenage years. Remember when we were 16 and thought we knew it all? 😂
The World of Imagination
At 16, I was living in my own world, where imagination knew no bounds. I wanted to be a shining star, a celebrity, with the whole world admiring me. I'd daydream about being Anjali from "Kuchh Kuchh Hota Hai" – beautiful, charming, and irresistible.💃 My friends and I would spend hours discussing our crushes, fashion trends, and the latest Bollywood hits.
The Beauty Paradox —
Beauty was my top priority. I’d spend hours in front of the mirror, perfecting my look, trying to outshine my peers. But, as G.S. Hall aptly put it, this phase was indeed a "period of storm and stress." I’d get demoralized if I didn’t receive the attention I craved. It was all about external validation, rather than inner beauty and self-worth.
The Prince Charming Syndrome —
I'd fantasize about a charming prince sweeping me off my feet, proposing to me in a romantic, trembly voice. 🙄 It was all about the fairy tale, the romance, and the drama. My poetry and fiction writing were outlets for these emotions, and I'm grateful for that creative expression.
Career Aspirations —
When it came to career goals, I wanted it all – success, wealth, and fame. I'd imagine myself as a high-powered executive, with a fancy car, designer clothes, and a luxurious lifestyle. As I wanted it all- Bangla, Gadi, Jhumke, Kangna😅(Palace, car, earrings, bangles). But, amidst all the glamour, I knew I wanted to enrich myself, to grow as a person.
The Reality Check —
Fast-forward to adulthood, and I realize that true beauty comes from within. It's about kindness, empathy, and compassion. Success is not just about wealth and fame but about making a positive impact.
Lesson Learned —
So, what did I learn from my turbulent teens?
1. Self-love is key: Focus on inner beauty, rather than external validation.
2. Imagination is powerful: Creativity can be a wonderful outlet for emotions.
3. Relationships matter: Nurture meaningful connections, rather than seeking external validation.
4. Growth is lifelong: Prioritize personal growth, learning, and self-improvement.
To My Fellow Humans
If you're going through your teens, remember that it's okay to dream big, to imagine, and to create. But don't forget to focus on what truly matters – your inner beauty, your relationships, and your personal growth.
And to my fellow adults, let's reminisce about our own teenage years and chuckle at our quirks. Let's appreciate the journey, the lessons learned, and the growth we've experienced.
In Conclusion
The turbulent teens – a time of storm and stress, but also of imagination, creativity, and growth. Let's cherish the memories, learn from our experiences, and continue to evolve as humans.